
A Poem A Day – Daily Practice for Seekers



September 01, 20241 min read

Center place of source
From deep belly a true voice
Long for wisdom truth
Ideals recalled from youth

Essence crown jewel inside
Messages a worthy guide
Seeking solace pure
Know what you’re here for

Traverse life up down
One day failure next a crown
Want to know what you’ll be
Causes you cannot see

Wells inside unfolding mysteries
Things within varied histories
Longing on your learning rock
Perched where you take stock

Get quiet with your ringing bell
Longing subsides sit a spell
Troubled hurting feeling empty
In this place always plenty

Where do you go when off-center, what happens
and what questions are useful?

What’s received?

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Stewart Levine

I have always been a seeker, always looking for the answers to what seekers ponder. I can remember Dr. Maxwell Maltz and Psychocybernetics; Dr. Carl Rogers On Becoming a Person. Moving through my legal training and practicing law the focus was always about people and how to better their lives. All that searching, reading, studying and introspective work culminated in this collection of daily readings for seekers. My work in the world has progressed from fighting legal cases to mediating divorces to helping people understand the essentials of relationship and collaborating to these poems. How can we collaborate effectively and work with each other in harmony to create the world we seek. How can we mindfully enable this world to become a place that works for all. My prayer is that through introspection using these poems as a guide we can all grow together in making the world the Heaven on Earth we all aspire toward.

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